Accident Lawyer Highland - Braff Legal Group (909) 280-0098

Tuesday 12 July 2022

Will Accident Attorney In Highland Handle Injury Claims In Case of Airbag Injuries?

In the event of an accident, airbags are designed to protect you by deploying quickly and forcefully. The force of an airbag can often cause injuries in addition to those sustained in the accident. If an airbag malfunctioning has injured you, you must seek legal advice from an attorney specializing in product liability claims. A Personal Injury Lawyer in Highland can help you determine who is responsible for your injuries and what type of compensation may be available for your losses.

Airbags can be dangerous

Airbags require a certain amount of force to deploy properly, which can cause severe injuries if not deployed properly. Airbags are designed to inflate rapidly enough to prevent a passenger from colliding with another vehicle or hard object when their vehicle is involved in a collision. However, this rapid inflation can cause serious injuries if it does not deploy properly or if there is some malfunction in its mechanism.

If you're claiming damages for an injury caused by an airbag, you must first prove that it was defective. A defective airbag will not inflate properly or may deploy when it shouldn't — either way, this can lead to severe injury or death. If a defect caused your injury, then it's likely that a manufacturer's liability claim could be filed against the company that designed and manufactured the vehicle in question. An Accident Attorney in Highland can help you determine whether the car manufacturer and/or the auto parts maker was negligent in their design, manufacturing or testing of the airbag system.

Product Liability

In most cases, the manufacturer of a defective product will be held responsible for any injuries caused by their product. The law imposes a duty on manufacturers to provide safe products for consumer use. If a company fails to exercise reasonable care in designing or manufacturing its products, it can be liable for any harm caused by those products.

Suppose the manufacturer fails to test its design adequately or fails to warn consumers about potential dangers associated with using the product. In that case, they may be liable for any injuries caused by their product. This often happens when severe safety defects could have been avoided with proper testing or warning labels on the product itself.

Injuries caused by airbags

Airbags can cause minor and serious injuries to passengers depending on how they were deployed and how hard they inflated upon impact. Minor injuries include bruising from being hit by an inflated bag. In contrast, more severe injuries include broken bones or head trauma caused by hitting your head against something hard, like an interior panel or window frame during deployment. You may be entitled to compensation, if a defective airbag has injured you or someone close to you. An experienced Accident Attorney in Highland will be able to explain your options and help you decide how best to proceed with your claim. For more information visit here: Braff Legal Group

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